PT Anugraha Dinakara Mitra (ARDAM) is one of the leading ICT companies in Indonesia. ARDAM has been successfully providing solutions for our customers. Our Human Capital has more than 15 years of experience in the Industry.
ARDAM is affiliated with several companies such as PT Aksata Satya Pratama (Aksata), PT Inspirasi Insani Edukasi Nararya (Nararya), PT Garda Nusa Jaya (GNJ), PT Lentera Teknologi Semesta (Lentera), PT Muda Nirbaya Abadi (MNA), MAP and others.
Our businesses have been growing and expanding significantly because of the quality we bring to our clients. Fast Response, Problem Solving, Professionalism and integrity are our strengths.
New Site, Survey, Hardware Installation, Dismantlement & Packing, Colo New System, Antenna System, BTS Cabinet Installation, ISAT Pre-Assemble, Capacity Upgrade, etc.
Cleaning Services, Security, Admins, IT Supports, Customer Services, Sales and others.
Jabodetabek, Kalimantan, Cilegon, Tangerang, Sumatera, Bandung and others
Survey, SITAC & CME
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